Want to Join?
This senior men's league is open to those aged 55 and up who play games on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from early May to late September. There are four seven inning games scheduled each of those days, starting at 8:15 am. The number of teams varies depending upon total player numbers.The seasonal cost is $120.
Jerseys (returned) and hats (to keep) are provided.
Umpiring is done by a volunteer force consisting mainly of active players.
In order to gain entry to the Tuesday-Thursday league, players must first join the "rookie league", which plays on Wednesday mornings only. Players from the rookie league may be called up to play in the regular league due to injuries and absences that would leave the regular league team in a temporary default position (less than nine), or leave them permanently short on their roster.
A player permanently called up becomes a regular league player from then on. Permanent replacements are players with similar levels of ability to the player they replace.
In some cases, and where vacancies exist, new applicants may be permanently placed on a Tuesday-Thursday team without playing on Wednesday.
The cost to join the Wednesday league is $75
Players wishing more information about joining the league should contact either
John Holmes at 705-745-2794, email: holmestead@cogeco.ca
Barry Johnson at 705-933-9808, email barrywjohnson100@gmail.com